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Massage Benefits, Risks and Precautions: Your Pandemic FAQ Guide

    NCBTMB Massage Ethics OnlineStaying connected to yourself, your body and your soul is essential for staying grounded during these uncertain times. If you are looking to find more connection to these elements, you may also be looking into getting a therapeutic massage. If you still have questions and concerns about booking a massage at a spa or studio, reading through these FAQs and answers may ease your worries:

    Q1: Why Should I Get a Massage in the Middle of a Pandemic?

    A1:Look we get it: being in the same room with someone can be downright scary right now. Never mind letting that person touch you. But there are some big benefits to massage, which you can discover by reading through these resources:

    The Healing Power of Touch

    Massage for Stress and Anxiety

    Soothing Stress With Self-Massage

    Deep Tissue Massage for Relief 

    Q2: How Can I Maximize The Stress Relief Provided From Massage?

    A2: It’s no wonder you may be interested in massage to relieve stress. After all, we’re all feeling more stressed and anxious these days. So combine the tension-reducing habits included in these resources, to maximize the benefits of your massage:

    How Yoga Relieves Anxiety and Stress

    Connect Yoga and Wellness Offerings

    Clear Stressful Energy at Home

    Manage Stress With Diet and Lifestyle

    Q3: What Precautions are Needed to Ensure Massage is Safe for All?

    A3: We’re so glad you’re asking this question because it means you are concerned with protecting your health and that of others. If you do decide to book an appointment, you can use the tips and information in these links to help keep yourself and others protected:

    Is It Safe to Get a Massage Right Now?

    Wearing Masks to Slow COVID Spread

    Cleaning Tips for Wellness Businesses

    When to Self-Isolate Due to COVID-19

    Massage and touch can both be so essential to healing your mind, body and soul from anxiety and stress. If the resources above don’t help you to feel comfortable enough to book a professional massage, we encourage you to connect with yourself through self-massage and other stress relieving rituals. What’s more, you can take virtual classes online to teach yourself massage. Sacred Stone School Online offers a number of wonderful courses, including an extensive course to train as a Ayurvedic Bodywork Specialist. Please visit the Sacred Stone School Online website to learn more about this course and everything it offers.