Raw Egg Energy Cleanse
Jan 28, 2025
Ancient Egg Energy Cleansing
God Creator, my beloved spirit family, the faerie kingdom, the stone people, Star Nations and all ancestors who are loving, helpful and wise from the family of 100% love and light, thank you for cleansing me in body, mind and spirit. Thank you for releasing all negative thought forms, negative energies, negative attachments, or spells. I invoke the violet flame to transmute them into light. Thank you for removing all negative energy created by me or sent to me. Let all these negative energies escorted home to the light or be transformed into the light. So be it.
Picture the egg being cleansed of any energies and stating your purpose for the egg. “This egg is going to be used to cleanse….”
Light the sage, palo santo, or incense. Say an opening prayer, or affirmation to your spirit guides, ancestors, and the archangels to be with you and assist you. Whatever feels right to you to call upon to help. There is no right or wrong way to say this quick prayer, speak from the heart.
Pass the egg through the smoke of your choice while stating that this is a spiritual tool to cleanse and restore you to your highest expression of good, this egg will absorb all energies that don’t serve you well and illnesses. Then hold the egg in your hands close to your heart and imagine it being blessed with divine white light. You are asking the egg to be a spiritual tool to remove all negative and misaligned energies from your body, mind, heart, and aura.
Take a few deep breaths and when you are ready hold the egg in your dominant hand. You will be passing it over your body touching your skin or just above your skin a few inches.
Eggs should be at room temperature (1 egg should suffice, but 2 may be needed)
If the egg gets too “full” while cleansing the front side of the client, use a 2nd new egg for the back side of the client.
Have 1 clear glass filled ¼ with pure water for the end of the process.
Begin the Process:
Client blows an intention for purification into the egg prior to beginning the session while lying supine on the massage table.
While the client is supine on a massage table fully clothed, spin a room temperature egg in small clockwise circles along every part of the client’s body. Lift the egg in air 5 inches away the body while cleansing private parts.
Turn the client prone on the massage table.
Notice if the egg feels too full or too toxic to use for the backside of the body. Use a different egg if so.
Repeat the clockwise small circles along the body on the entire back side of the client.
How to Read an Egg Cleanse
Crack open the egg drop the contents of the egg into the glass of water and intuit the message from the egg. Notice any striations, bubbles, strange configurations, images, color changes, odors, or any other unusual signs. Use your intuition 100% and whatever comes to you is your truth for what the egg is expressing. If are struggling with how to begin to open to these messages, read below for ideas.
Spikes, Needles, and Threads:
Strings can indicate a current or past codependent relationship or “energy vampires” have tried to steal your energy. If the strings look jagged or sharp, it can mean unresolved anger was released. Pointy objects in the shape of needles or nails can be indicative of black magic spells or voodoo may have been put on you in this lifetime or a previous one. Sharp threads can signify that you have been a victim of gossip.
Tiny bubbles may indicate negative was absorbed into droplets within the egg. It can also be a sign that you have been tired, irritated, and suffer from indigestion and gas due to stress. Headaches and dizziness from the past may have been released. If there are many bubbles surrounding the yolk, it means you have positive spirits and/or your spirit guides looking out for you. Big balloons are a sign of a cage when you feel trapped in a situation that you can’t get out of quickly. You may need to do multiple cleanses to get rid of this situation.
Cobwebs can signify jealousy or “evil eye” symptomology was present. Evil eyes look like tiny eyes, sometimes with a brown spec. It can also indicate feeling entangled in a complicated situation with many layers of negative emotion and confusion.
Cloudy: without scent or blood, there’s been a loss of vital energy via a hole in your aura which needs to be sealed and forgiven. In many folk traditions, this is a sign of nightmares, PTSD, and fright. Clear: without any abnormal shapes,or scents, then nothing unnatural has occurred, and no more cleanses are needed!
When the yolk sinks to the bottom, it means heavy negativity was removed. If part or all of the egg floats then it means there is a small problem that is still developing and can be fixed. Another cleanse is recommended.
Egg Whites:
halos surrounding the yolk mean that you make decisions too quickly and you need to slow down. Flowers in the white are a good sign. It means that negative energies are going away, and good times are on their way. The shape of a person is a sign that you have an enemy. A slim face means that the enemy is male. And a round face means it is female. Seeing a faerie-like silhouette with arms and flowing clothing can mean you are being divinely guided and protected and have a sacred soul affinity with the faerie kingdom, where you are loved and cherished.
The Egg Breaks:
If the egg breaks during a cleansing, please start over and repeat with a highly smudged (cleansed) new egg.
If you still feel anything lingering, you can perform another egg cleanse in a couple of days. Notice a new sense of lightness, peace of mind, and grace.
Bury the egg shells and contents of the egg in the earth, making sure no animals eat it or throw it in the ocean or a running stream. Do not flush it in your toilet if you have a septic system because the energies will live on there, disturbing you.