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Intro to Human Anatomy & Physiology Online Course for Yoga, Ayurveda and Massage Students

    Intro to Human Anatomy & Physiology Online Course for Yoga, Ayurveda and Massage Students

    Investment: $88.00Vedic Anatomy Physiology Yoga Online Course

    Start anytime. There are no prerequisites. This is a self-paced e-course based on the “Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology” textbook by Eldra Pearl Solomon, PhD. (4th edition). After reading the book, students must complete one multiple-choice exam containing 100 questions. The course includes 17 extensive, comprehensive, robust PowerPoint presentations (one for each textbook chapter) that can be used as a study guide.

    This course meets the “Anatomy & Physiology” requirements for the following courses:

    • Sacred Stone Registered Ayurveda Health Counselor Course
    • NCBTMB continuing education requirements for massage therapists
    • Most Yoga Teacher Training and CEs
    It is also ideal for massage therapists and other healing arts professionals who want to refresh their knowledge of anatomy and physiology.

    Click here to discover your state’s regulations regarding massage therapy and continuing education (CBTMB) requirements.

    Students receive an automated email with login credentials immediately after purchasing the course. They then have up to one year to complete it (except for students signed up for the Ayurveda Health Counselor Program, who have seven months). Once the student passes with a 75% grade or higher, a certificate of completion and transcript are immediately available for downloading.

    Powerpoint Presentations

    This course includes custom-made PowerPoint presentations for every chapter. Each presentation includes a summary of the chapter’s contents and connections to Ayurvedic principles, making it specially tailored for yoga teachers and Ayurvedic counselors.

    Course Textbook

    The updated fourth edition of the “Introduction to Anatomy & Physiology” course textbook features the following:

    •  The reader-friendly approach features a conversational writing style to enhance readability and comprehension.
    • NCBTMB Ethics Online Anatomy Physiology Continuing Education Massage Ayurveda Credits More than 200 full-color illustrations with captions demonstrate core concepts and reinforce important principles.
    •  Chapter outlines at the beginning of each chapter provide an overview of the material covered.
    •  Key terms, many with phonetic pronunciation guides, are located throughout the chapters.
    •  Chapter quizzes and review questions reinforce and assess your understanding of key chapter content.
    •  Valuable appendices include information on medical terminology and answers to the chapter quizzes.
    •  An extensive glossary provides definitions for all key terms and many additional terms that may be unfamiliar.
    •  Tools for Learning guide you through each chapter for a more focused study experience:
    •  Learning Objectives appear after main headings to help you concentrate on important information.
    •  Quiz Yourself questions at the end of each significant section allow you to reinforce and test your comprehension of key concepts.
    •  Chapter Summaries illustrate how the topics covered in each chapter support the Learning Objectives.
    •  Part captions – now integrated into the illustrations – clearly explain core concepts and highlight essential principles demonstrated by the images.

      See Sacred Stone’s Sample PowerPoint Presentation Below. Each Chapter Has a Companion Presentation.

    A & P Chapter 1


    Textbook Chapters

    1. Introducing the Human Body
    2. Cells and Tissues
    3. The Integumentary System
    4. The Skeletal System
    5. The Muscular System
    6. The Central Nervous SystemNCBTMB Ethics Online Anatomy Physiology Continuing Education Ayurveda Credits
    7. The Peripheral Nervous System
    8. The Sense Organs
    9. Endocrine Control
    10. The Circulatory System: Blood
    11. The Circulatory System: The Heart
    12. Circulation of Blood and Lymph
    13. Internal Defense: Immune Responses
    14. The Respiratory System
    15. The Digestive System
    16. The Urinary System and Fluid Balance
    17. Reproduction

    Appendix A. Chapter Quiz Answers

    Appendix B. Dissecting Terms

    Appendix C. Abbreviations


    When students enroll in our e-Home Study courses, they receive an email with directions to gain access to their student online dashboard, where we offer our students a centralized location for their course materials, including PDF manuals, eDVDs, multiple choice exams (open-book), course forms, and immediate CBTMB transcripts for download and printing. This allows our students to complete their courses more quickly and efficiently.

    This Course Includes:

    Home Study Requirements

    • Study the textbook
    • Complete the multiple-choice, open-book online exam within one year of enrolling (or seven months for Ayurvedic Health Counselor Program students).  Students have an unlimited chance to retake it if they fail. We always allow extensions for extenuating circumstances.

    Intro to Human Anatomy & Physiology Online Course for Yoga, Ayurveda and Massage Students


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