Sacred Stone Shirodhara Therapy Online Certification
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Receive an automated email with login credentials and instructions immediately upon purchasing this course. Anyone may enroll. No prerequisites. This course is ideal for massage therapists, estheticians, Reiki masters, yoga therapists and other healers. If you do not have a state license to touch the body, look into becoming a certified minister online, which would allow you to categorize Shirodhara under the church or as spiritual energy medicine and Ayurveda. It only takes about 1-hour to become a certified minister at this link, but you must promise not to claim to physically touch or massage the body.
Earn 10 CE credits from the NCBTMB (Provider #155301-00) and Ayurvedic PACE CE Credits. Approved in most states, including NY & Florida. Click here to discover your state regulations regarding massage therapy and continuing education (CBTMB) requirements.
Instructor: Karyn Chabot, M.Ay, LMT, RYT.

This is an ancient mind-melting warm oil therapy rooted in Ayurvedic concepts that give rise to elevated consciousness, expanded awareness, blissful sleep and healing for the entire mind-body-spirit paradigm. Ayurveda is a time-proven, evidence-based holistic medical system of self-healing. This is potentially one of the most “spiritually awakening” therapies on the planet and it is one of my most favorite therapies to give my clients. It raises consciousness, bliss, peace, removes stress and so much more. I find I receive the benefits when I GIVE the treatment. This particular shirodhara therapy is very unique because I incorporate heated and chilled sea stones to help harmonize and ground my clients during this very uplifting therapy. It helps pacify the “internal wind” we all carry around from stress. I also use stones in the oil to help regulate the temperature of the oil, as well as infuse the prana from the ocean that is within the matrix of each stone. Shirodhara translated means “the flowing of oil like a thread (dhara) on the head (shiro)”. This treatment provides a platform for warm oil to flow in a steady stream gently over the third eye located on the forehead and over the top of the head (crown chakra). Shirodhara rejuvenates both the mind and the senses, which allow the body’s natural healing mechanisms to release stress from the nervous system, improve mental clarity and comprehension. Shirodhara is a profound mind-melting, sacred treatment using medicinal Ayurvedic oils, sometimes followed or proceeded by massage. Shirodhara uses oils, butters and milks made with special herbs that calm and nourish the nervous system. During traditional shirodhara, a thin stream of warm liquid flows from a copper vessel hung approximately 6-8 inches above the client’s forehead. The actual flow of oil takes between 20-40 minutes. Upon graduation, students become certified as Sacred Stone Shirodhara Therapists.
This therapy is an excellent addition to your massage or healing practice. It includes marma massage of the face, head, neck, shoulders and feet. This ancient therapy enlivens the “mind” or innate intelligence that lives in every cell in our body. It is a mind-melting experience, where it clears away negative thoughts by dispersing the negative electrical impulses that accumulate at our foreheads form overthinking and stress. It is one of the only therapies that assists in raising consciousness, allowing for spiritual and cellular activations within the physiology. These spiritual heights can also be reached during deep meditation.Students will learn the concepts, theory, how to operate the shirodhara system and give a treatment, benefits and precautionary measures. Shirodhara therapy involves a controlled flow of warm oil is gently poured over the “Ajna” or third eye chakra. The oil then streams down the crown chakra, which magnifies the senses, awakens the body’s natural healing process, reverses imbalances within the body, rejuvenates the face and renews the sweetness of life Shirodhara is one of the most unique therapies available for reducing stress and enhancing cellular intelligence and immunity.Overlooked by Western medicine and well-understood by Ayurveda are the 13 emissary veins that literally drain your brain through your skull. In most people, there are 13 holes in the skull that veins pass through, and the clinical significance of this is astounding. First, these veins are bi-directional, which means that can either take waste out of the brain into the veins of the scalp, back into vascular circulation, or they can potentially transport nutrients or dangerous toxins and infections from outside of the skull into the brain.
Shirodhara Therapy is offered at many medical wellness clinics, hospitals in the most elite beauty spas around the world. Some of the spas call it the Himalayan Treatment and others call it Soothing Forehead Therapy. Many medical spas are adopting this ancient therapy as a means for reversing the aging process and removing stress from the mind and physiology. If this therapy is done properly and on a regular basis, it can transform one’s life on all levels. Ayurvedic and consciousness therapies such as shirodhara, are among the most subtle, yet, most powerful treatments for a plethora of disorders, but in the west, it is used mostly for developing a sense of well-being and restoring the harmony the weaves the body, mind and spirit together. Sacred Stone Shirodhara Therapy includes massage of the head and feet and a layout of heated sea stones over, under and alongside the body.
This therapy usually takes about 70 minutes and 2 quarts of oil, depending on the length and thickness of your client’s hair. You can charge between $90.00 – $225.00 depending on where you work.
- Eliminates diseases of head and disorders affecting neck, eyes, ears, nose and nervous system.
- Balances the third eye and stimulates the nervous system by releasing neuro-hormones and creating ecstatic feelings of relaxation and pleasure.
- Helps overcome stress and its ill effects on nervous system
- Helps relieve insomnia, fatigue, tension, anxiety, anger, chronic headaches, rheumatism, hypertension, asthma, hair problems and stress
- Gives great mental relaxation
- Invigorates the body and mind and stimulate cognitive memories.
- Disperses negative electrical impulses that accumulate at the skull and hairline from stress.
- Renews the sweetness of life.
- Rejuvenates the entire face and softens worry lines.
- Opens the third eye.
- Heightens the senses.
- Increases intuition.
- Activates the pituitary gland.
- Increases spiritual awareness.
- Regulates mood and depression disorders.
- Activates the memory.
- Stimulates the 6 & 7th chakra which regulates our breathing patterns.
“One who applies oil on his head regularly does not suffer from headache, baldness, graying of hair, nor does his hair fall. Strength of his head and forehead is especially enhanced; his hair becomes black, long and deep-rooted; his sense organs work properly; the skin of his face becomes brightened; applying oil on the head produces sound sleep and happiness.” – Ayurvedic physician Charaka, in the first text on Ayurveda, written over 2,000 years ago.
Course Includes:
- Online enrollment
- Access to the student dashboard with explicit, helpful step-by-step instructions
- 60-minute Instructional Shirodhara Therapy mp4 eDVD that can be downloaded with unlimited viewing
- One PDF (digital) 86 page illustrated training manual (print or read online)
- Links and instructions on where to find shirodhara oils, products and Ayurveda resource page
- Sample Shirodhara Client Profile
- Overview of the foundations of Ayurveda
- Online course forms
- Multiple-choice open-book exam
- Transcripts are automatically enabled for printing with a passing score
- Certification upon meeting the practicum material listed below
- This course allows students to download the eDVD(s) and PDF manual(s) to their computer, for viewing at any time and as often as they wish. Once you download your course materials, they are yours forever.
- We provide two ways to watch our mp4 E-DVDs:
- On our website using our FV Flow Player. No download needed
- Offline downloaded from our website to your computer
Steps to Complete the Course:
- View the e-DVD and read the PDF Manual on your student dashboard.
- Purchase Dr. John Doulliard’s book at this link: Encyclopedia of Ayurvedic Massage. It costs approximately $7 used printed or $19 for the kindle edition.
- Submit five Student Practicum Forms for your five practice sessions. Each practice session should take about 75 minutes. Sessions may be performed in the location of your choice. Choose five different clients/friends/family.
- Complete five critical essays for each of your five practicum sessions describing your favorite and least favorite parts of this therapy and how you executed it. This should be a step-by-step analysis of each session. Each report should take approximately 30 minutes to type thoughtfully.
- Complete The Student Essay Course Form.
- Complete The Client Testimony & Evaluation Form.
- To earn “certification” status, attend a “live” on-campus one-day practicum exam with a certified ABS instructor.
OR: Submit a youtube video link of your best “practice 75-minute session” from start to finish.
Important Details:
- Students have 1 year to complete, self-paced. We always allow extensions for extenuating circumstances.
- Everyone learns at a different rate, but most students complete this course within three months while working a full-time job.
- Practicum submissions will be graded as “Pass” or “Fail”.
- Multiple-choice exam requires 75% passing grade. Take the exam as many times as needed for a passing score, no worries.
- All e-DVDs and webinars can be downloaded and viewed as often as needed.
- A “Document of Completion” will be awarded to all students who submit a Course Evaluation Form and meet the outlined criteria with passing scores, however, “certification” will only be awarded to e-Course students who either pass the in-person practicum exam in Newport, RI or with another Sacred Stone ABS certified instructor or submit a youtube practicum video.
- It is recommended students receive a shirodhara session to heighten the learning experience. Search for a local shirodhara therapist or Book a session with me here.
- Please Note: To become an effective shirodhara therapist, it takes devotion, practice and more practice. The motivation to learn shirodhara therapy must come from your heart. It is not a therapy you can learn in a few days and become an expert, nor is this a therapy you should water- down in order to make make more money in your spa. This is a very sacred, profound art that takes lots of time and dedication to learn.
Equipment Needed
- Shirodhara Equipment. Use your own equipment or check back with us for when our new shirodhara equipment will be ready for sale, which will this online shirodhara course for free.
- Shirodhara Oil
- Nasya Oil (optional)
- Neem Oil (optional)
- Terry Turban (optional)
- Sacred Shirodhara Stones (optional or use your own stones)
Click Here to View the Live Seminar Campus Schedule
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- Please use the “Login” information you received in your confirmation email from to login to your account where you can stream or download your videos or audios. You will find download links as well as the option to stream the media directly from the course page.
Product | Price |
Sacred Stone Shirodhara Therapy Certification | $288.88 |