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Ayurvedic Remedial Measures for Anxiety & Fear


    Practice the following suggestions below to reduce anxiety and sooth the vata dosha:

    Sip warmish-hot water through-out the day

    Daily oil massage before shower or while in the tub

    More Hugs

    Warm, soupy, moist foods

    Foods cooked with love

    Read inspiring quotes or stories daily

    Keep a nightlight on while sleeping

    Sleep on a soft but supportive mattress

    Heavy blankets and socks

    Slow, gentle floor yoga (not so much standing)

    Wear soft, smooth, flowing fabrics

    Surround yourself with warm soft colors

    Listen to soothing music

    Favor aromas of amber, sandalwood, ginger, holy basil, fennel, roses geranium

    Cook with generous amounts of ghee (clarified butter)

    Apply warm herbal drops of oil to the inside of nostrils, ears & anus daily

    Swish with sesame peppermint neem oil in your mouth daily

    Do gentle warm water and sesame oil enema 2x/week on empty belly in AM

    Sleep by 10am

    Follow a structured routine with yoga, sleep, work & meals

    Surround yourself with cheerful friends only

    Avoid depressing news and media

    Eat root veggies like cooked carrots & sweet potatoes

    Avoid eating alone

    Wear earth tones, grounding peach, tawny reds, muted greens

    Wear topaz, red coral, sapphire, citrine, turquoise and onyx

    Sleep on your right side

    Practice alternate nostril breathing (pranayama) 15 mins daily

    Meditate 30 mins twice per day

    Sleep and rest more

    Avoid dry, cold, crunchy, dehydrated, stale, crispy, raw foods

    Avoid too much travel, movement, driving and stress

    Enjoy creative activities igniting the senses

    Avoid sex more than 2-3X per week

    Hydrate often using boiled water cooled to room or warm temperature

    Avoid being hungry for extended periods of time

    Avoid caffeinated and carbonated beverages

    Avoid white sugar

    Half of glass of wine before and after dinner is permissible

    Enjoy warm moderately spicy foods

    Supplement with protein shakes and other nutrients

    Remember to sing and dance