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Marma Point Therapy (Intro)

    Marma Point Therapy Online NCBTMB PACE

    Marma Point Therapy (Intro) Online Course

    Investment: $182.00. Start anytime. Go at your own pace. Purely online.

    Receive an automated email with login credentials and instructions immediately upon purchasing this course.  Anyone may enroll. No prerequisites. This course is ideal for massage therapists, estheticians, Reiki masters, yoga therapists and other healers.

    Earn 40 CE credits. Most students complete this course over a span of 11 hours, despite the 40 CEs assigned to this course. Approved in most states, including NY & Florida.  Click here to discover your state regulations regarding massage therapy and continuing education (CBTMB) requirements. NCBTMB (Provider #155301-00).

    What Is Marma Point Therapy?Marma Point Therapy PACE NAMA NCBTMB Continuing Education Massage Online

    Much like acupressure or acupuncture, marmas are like small “windows” on the skin’s surface and subcutaneous layers, acting as mystical junction points between body, mind, and spirit. They are the spaces in-between the relative world and the unified field of all possibilities. Activating marma points allows light and prana into the body, transforming the biochemistry of the physiology.

    The word marma comes from the root word “mar”. It means war and its archetype is the warrior. It is masculine in nature. The word for the planet Mars comes from the same root. It’s the planet of passion and war. It symbolizes the mythical deity “Ram”. The root word “ma” refers to the mother in Latin. Its archetype is the mother earth and is feminine in nature. This root word symbolizes the mythical deity “Sita”. When you put the two root words together and come up with Marma, we can understand why it is also seen as the primordial junction between Sita and Ram, the great lovers in the India culture.

    The Remedial Benefits of Marma Therapy:

    • Therapeutic effects can be experienced both distally and locally within the physiology.
    • Because marma points intrinsically have a large blood supply and many nerves, activating them can restore balance to the autonomic nervous system and harmonize the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems.
    • Endorphins, called opiods and neurotransmitters such as melatonin and seratonin are released during marma therapy, enhancing mood and relieving pain.
    • It clears pathways and improves functional and structural integrity of the body’s systemic channels (srotamsi).
    • It kindles the fire within all the tissues (dhatus), burns cellular toxins (ama) and disperses crystallized negative emotions that have been repressed in the cellular memory.
    • It relieves headache, joint and muscle pain.
    • Activating marmani can offer many of the same benefits of massage therapy but with a remedial focus

    Student Objectives:

    • Learn the definition and history of marma therapy
    • Understand how and who discovered the marmas
    • Become aware of the precautionary guidelines
    • Develop a very basic foundation for Ayurveda
    • Comprehend the term “dosha” and other Sanskrit terminologyMarma Point Therapy Online Course NCBTMB Credits
    • Experience why marma points enliven our innate intelligence
    • Understand how marma therapy can be both remedial and and diagnostic
    • Uncover the cause of pain and how to alleviate it
    • Develop a set of tools and knowledge for working with the marmas
    • Learn some diagnostic and remedial measures for fibromyalgia
    • Determine the four major marma points in the physiology
    • Learn how to add marma therapy to your massage routine
    • Become familiar with the precautionary guidelines
    • Discover your own marma points
    • Understand how marma’s are doorways and junctions
    • Learn how to recognize the points on your clients
    • Demonstrate how to relieve pain by using marma
    • Describe the marma bands that exist around each joint
    • Learn the how the marmas are connected to organs
    • Facilitate more flow of prana in your client and yourself
    • Define the size of each marma and how to palpate them
    • Learn how to give a marma massage with clients clothed

    Massage continuing education credits NCBTMB Ethics Online

    Course Includes:

    • Illustrated PDF Manual with step-by-step instructions
    • Students are required to purchase Dr. Vasant Lad’s Marma Point Cards for $28 at this link
    • Students have a choice to receive a $28 credit towards another Sacred Stone School Online Course or a $28 refund (email us to let us know which you would like)
    • Several instructional videos and illustrated Powerpoint Slide for ‘Shakti Marmani’
    • Live footage of an actual Intro to Marma Therapy Day-Class held at Sacred Stone School in 2017
    • Access to the student dashboard with explicit, helpful step-by-step instructions
    • Instructional mp4 eDVDs that can be downloaded with unlimited viewing
    • One of the eDVD is live footage of a one-day Marma Therapy class at The Newport Massage SchoolMassage Online Continuing Education Course NCBTMB Marma Point Therapy Ayurveda
    • One PDF (digital) 29-page illustrated training manual (print or read online)
    • Links and instructions on where to find oils, products and Ayurveda resource page
    • Sample Client Profile
    • Overview of the foundations of Ayurveda
    • Online course forms
    • Multiple-choice open-book exam with 36 questions
    • Transcripts are automatically enabled for printing with a passing score
    • Certification upon meeting the practicum material listed below
    • This course allows students to download the eDVD(s) and PDF manual(s) to their computer, for viewing at any time and as often as they wish. Once you download your course materials, they are yours forever.
    • We provide two ways to watch our mp4 E-DVDs:
      1. On our website using our FV Flow Player. No download needed
      2. Offline downloaded from our website to your computer

    Steps to Complete the Course:

    • View the e-DVD and read the PDF Manual on your student dashboard.
    • Submit Five Student Practicum Forms for your five practice sessions. Each practice session should take about 75 minutes. Sessions may be performed in the location of your choice. Choose five different clients/friends/family.
    • Complete Five Critical Essays for each of your five practicum sessions describing your favorite and least favorite parts of this therapy and how you executed it.
    • Complete The Student Essay Course Form.
    • Complete The Client Testimony & Evaluation Form.
    • To earn “Certification” status, attend a “live” on-campus one-day practicum exam with a certified ABS instructor.
      OR: Submit a youtube video link of your best “practice 75-minute session” from start to finish.

    Important Details:

    • Students have 1 year to complete, self-paced. We always allow extensions for extenuating circumstances.
    • Everyone learns at a different rate, but most students complete this course within three months while working a full-time job.
    • Practicum submissions will be graded as “Pass” or “Fail”.
    • Multiple-choice exam requires 75% passing grade. Take the exam as many times as needed for a passing score, no worries.
    • All e-DVDs and webinars can be downloaded and viewed as often as needed.
    • A “Document of Completion” will be awarded to all students who submit a Course Evaluation Form and meet the outlined criteria with passing scores, however, “certif

    Click Here to View the Live Seminar Campus Schedule

    To make sure you have a streamlined experience please read!

    1. Some email providers will not recognize our email address. Please check your spam-  or trash folder for your confirmation email from “”.
    2. Whitelist in your email settings so you won’t miss important notifications regarding your purchase
    3. Please check the email address you used to register for your product. If this email address is different than the email address you used to purchase your product with on this website (Stripe gateway) our system won’t recognize you. If this is the case please let us know below so we can assist you. (email: support @
    4. Please use the “Login” information you received in your confirmation email from to login to your account where you can stream or download your videos or audios. You will find download links as well as the option to stream the media directly from the course page.


    Marma Point Therapy (Intro)


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