This ancient Ayurvedic recipe from India is a mixture of basmati rice,...
Sacred Stone School Blog
With anxiety, stress, and autoimmune diseases on the rise in our culture today, there is a strong need for qualified integrative body-mind-spirit counselors, therapists, and medical experts. As the Dalai Lama stated, “The planet does not need more successful people. The planet desperately...
Sacred Stone School in Newport, RI begins its 26-Day Ayurvedic Bodywork Specialist (ABS) Program on January 17, 2020. NCBTMB 22 CE's Pending Approval. The next one is scheduled for Fall 2020. Graduates can expect to become certified and proficient in hands-on healing using the ancient wisdom of...
Practice the following suggestions below to reduce anxiety and sooth the vata dosha:
- Sip warmish-hot water through-out the day
- Daily oil massage before shower or while in the tub
- More Hugs
- Warm, soupy, moist foods
- Foods cooked with love
- Read inspiring quotes or stories daily
- Keep a nightlight on...
The Full Moon on May 7, 2020 occurs in sidereal Libra in the lunar star of Vishakha symbolized by a triumphal gateway which can give rise to enthusiasm, faith and hope for the future. But wait-- Vishaka’s fruits are generally delayed which could indicate a possible unexpected critical...
Recipes, immunity tips, longevity principles and how to stay in the eye of the COVID storm. Put your health in your hands. You are your best doctor. More info here-->
Ancient Egg Energy Cleansing
God Creator, my beloved spirit family, the faerie kingdom, the stone people, Star Nations and all ancestors who are loving, helpful and wise from the family of 100% love and light, thank you for cleansing me in body, mind and spirit. Thank you for releasing...
Trust the Wait
Enjoy the beauty of becoming
When nothing is certain
Anything is possible...
When anything is possible and nothing is certain, we can either wallow in sorrow or make lemonade out lemons. Why not make some lemonade by learning something new and...
Published in Natural Awakenings Mag Moon Report June 2020
The Full Moon Penumbral Eclipse on June 5th, 2020 occurs in sidereal Scorpio in the lunar star of Jyeshtha symbolized by a mystical pendant which provides protection from negativity and brings luck. Jyeshtha’s real estate in...
Natural Awakenings Magazine Moon Report
July 2020
The Full Moon Prenumbral Eclipse on July 4th and 5th, 2020 occurs in sidereal Sagittarius in the fierce lunar star of Poorvashadha symbolized by a winnowing basket as it floats down the river. This star heralds’ victories over enemies,...
By the Light of the Moon
Published in Natural Awakenings Magazine Moon Report
Aug 2020
The Full Moon on Aug 3th, 2020 occurs in sidereal Capricorn in the wise lunar star of Shravana symbolized by the ear. It may be a time where the world will “hear” some intense revelations....
Discover the ancient time-proven beauty secrets of Ayurveda. Learn how to be beautiful inside and out by using the wisdom of the ages and discovering that food is medicine. - Karyn Chabot
Staying connected to yourself, your body and your soul is essential for staying grounded during these uncertain times. If you are looking to find more connection to these elements, you may also be looking into getting a therapeutic massage. If you still have questions and concerns about...