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Sacred Stone Facial, Marma, Crystal and Ayurvedic Beauty E-Book

    Hot Stone Facial therapy

    Hot Stone Facial Therapy

    Sacred Stone Facial, Marma, Crystal and Ayurvedic Beauty E-Book

    110-Page Beautifully Illustrated Instructional 8 X 11 (PDF) E-Book (downloadable)

    Stone medicine is as old as the earth. There is a Spirit within each stone, alive with sacred sweet earth energy. They are the Proverbial Record Keepers of the world, containing all the stories and secrets of

    Mother Earth. I developed Sacred Stone Massage Therapy to Newport, RI in 1999 while renting a summer home on a powerful stone beach. I have been a stone collector since I was 5 years old and wanted to bring the power of stones into my healing practice. This E-Book includes many components of Sacred Stone Massage Therapy, but is focused more on the upper body, oils and marma point therapy for longevity and beauty. Students will learn how to massage of the face, neck, shoulders, décolleté, hands and feet using fresh lemon, ointments, stones and salves. We cradled the entire body in warm smooth stones, supporting the joints, correcting postural imbalances and removing pain.

    As a form of contract hydrotherapy, I teach how to alternate chilled snow-quartz and warm, textured and heated smooth granite mineral composite sea stones as extensions of my hands and heart, as well as tools for massage, healing, rejuvenation and beauty. Marma points are junctions of consciousness where vata, pitta and kapha meet. They are doorways into the physical body and energy body. We use these sacred points for analysis as well as remedial measures. During this therapy, marma points on the upper body are awakened, providing more vitality to the entire body, stimulating circulation and imparting a rosy glow to the face. I teach how to incorporate crystal gemstone therapy along the marma points and other strategic locations to move and clear heavy energy. An emphasis on gliding, mudra and effleurage techniques combined with the stones sets this E-Book apart from most others. Students will learn about the healing properties of neem-coconut-lavender oils, sinus clearing oils and how to apply a raw honey mask, along with other ancient Ayurvedic longevity and beauty secrets. Learn about the properties of various oils and how they can be doshic specific to each client. I highly recommend this E-Book for clients who are shy about removing their clothes. This particular treatment can feel like a “whole body” treatment, yet the client can keep his/her clothes on. A woman may choose to keep her bra top on and remove her shirt so the therapist can access shoulders and décolleté.

    Click Here to Preview of the Sacred Stone Facial, Marma, Crystal and Ayurvedic E-Book Table of Contents

    Click Here to Enroll in the Entire Sacred Stone Facial, Marma Crystal and Ayurvedic Beauty Online CourseAyurvedic Beauty Facial Marma Online Course NCBTMB PACE NAMA Continuing Education Credits Massage Esthetics



    Sacred Stone Facial, Marma, Crystal and Ayurvedic Beauty E-Book


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